Friday, October 31, 2008

We celebrate our sense of each other

We watched the Corporation at the farm on Monday. A strong, smart, difficult documentary. Watch it. Think new things. I am.

I have been playing guitar for hours daily. I have been complaining for months now about needing a new hobby. I had one all along. Thankfully, TJ is gone a lot which means I have free access to his instrument.

We had a wonderful house meeting on Tuesday. Our house +. I'm not sure what to call it. We are going to do this more and I am so glad.

Sufjan Stevens changes everyones lives. I often selfishly wish I was the only one who felt this way. He speaks true things.
"Use my hands to use my heart.
Even if I died alone.
Even if I died


Stephanie Cole said...

i've been calling it "the meeting" too. :) yes, its good to journey together. makes it richer. i love that we are both feelers. :)

Stephanie Cole said...

i put a lot of :) in there