Thursday, April 10, 2008

Pedal power and container gardens

Dr. Job Ebenezer is visiting the farm. I actually attended class today and was very glad I did. He has done amazing things and is an incredibly smart man. I am starting to think that urban gardening is something that I am very interested in. He came yesterday and spent all day setting up a dual-use bicycle which he then used to power a winnower, a corn shucker, and a circular saw. We are all very impressed. I am very much looking forward to farm day.

Tonight we have a going away part for Ethan Durelle. Susan is cooking and making ice cream and I think I will make some sesame-rice crackers from a recipe that I just found. Seems like I would need to make something to go on the crackers. Cheese, for example. Only, making cheese doesn't really interest me, kind of like making bread doesn't really interest me. Its a science, you see, and I get overwhelmed easily. Kristine and Leona made this amazing herb ricotta back when Leona was here and made fennel seed crackers to go along with it and I don't think I've tasted anything quite so good in a long time. Ethan is going on tour for the next couple of months.

Farm day is the day after tomorrow. Matt and I went grocery shopping today and filled four carts, spending $1000 on food. Insane. TSTC's culinary dept. is making pho for us for farm day. We dropped off most of what we bought today plus two coolers full of Ameena, our cow that was recently raised, grass-fed, and slaughtered just for such a purpose. It should be tasty, if I can bring myself to eat it. I feel like it has been a reasonably calm week considering how much there has been to do, but I think that has just been on my end of things. I lead a tour on Monday, cooked Tuesday, took the day off to finish my root canal Wednesday, and now grocery shopped today. I'm looking forward to working outside tomorrow. Its been so lovely lately.

If you are nearby, come to Farm Day!! Saturday from 9-4 at the World Hunger Relief Farm.

1 comment:

Stephanie Cole said...

sure, you can read it. i like all of the hyperlinks that you included. 27 we come