Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Put those boots back on.

My life looks different. Let me show you.

I was over ambitious in my scheduling of this fall, which is fine and typical and manageable, but has resulted in me falling asleep before nine on all nights when it is possible to do so. I haven't been reading books like I'm used to and this makes me feel . . . lonely. Isn't that odd? Class is going to be fine, though studenthood has gotten no less time consuming in the last five years, and homework may kill me. Being up and away from home from 4 am to 9 pm twice a week is a vicious, sad way to spend the days, but its just two days a week, and I get two more where I am home, home, and home to make up for it.

Have a boy in my life who loves music (much more than I) means that my life is filling with new sounds, and names, and feelings. Songs with your name in them make good presents.

My brother is getting married. It is going to be a wonderful thing.

Uh, thats all the time I have. Thats it. Talk to you later.


Wondering Child... said...

ch ch changes! wow...i need in depth update, but you sound too busy!!!

Kim said...

schedule schmedule. just don't get too busy that you're pushing out your LIFE. trying to fit it all in only gets stressful when you let it. like i do alllll the time. i have this like major revelation right before i left, and you know cause you were there, and i just let go and it's beautiful cause it's sustaining me through all of the transitioning that i'm doing even now. and this happens to me constantly in life, i have to keep reminding myself to let go. constant vigilance. otherwise i just become a ball of various neuroses instead of full and real soul. i love you and your full life!